Posted by Chevrier Instruments Inc.
Sells, Repairs & Calibrates Measurement Control Instrumentation For Industrial Processes, Pressure, Temperature, Air... Read more
The new Kistock KTH-CO2-E datalogger, from Kimo Instruments and available through Chevrier Instruments, guarantees the stability of measurements over time without the need for frequent adjustments. The instrument has many best-in-class features that make it an excellent choice for datalogging and measurement applications.
Key features
The Kistock datalogger allows 20,000 measurement points, and has the capability to quickly download data — up to 1,000 values per second. It also offers two configurable setpoint alarms on each channel, and can work in temperatures ranging from -20 to 70 degrees C. In addition, the instrument comes in IP40 housing, which means it offers protection from tools and small wires greater than one millimetre, but not protection from liquids.
The instrument is also available with configuration and data processing software, which enables users to configure, save and process data.
The device is easy to read, displaying two lines on a 45- by 28.5-mm LCD screen. In addition, it’s easy to use, with just two buttons — “select” and “OK”.
How it works
The Kistock datalogger can record in five different ways:
Once the recording mode has been set, the user can launch the dataset with a delayed start at a predefined date and time. Alternatively, the dataset can be launched with the configuration and data processing software, a push-button, or the online option, in which datasets are directly sent, saved and displayed on the user’s PC in real time.
Users can set the dataset to stop at a predetermined date and time. It can also be set to stop according to a certain period, a predefined number of recording points, once the storage capacity is full, with the “Stop” option on the software, or by holding the “OK” key.
More details
For additional details on the Kistock KTH-CO2-E datalogger, contact Chevrier Instruments, a Montreal-based provider of measurement and control instruments for industrial processes.
Posted by Chevrier Instruments Inc.
Sells, Repairs & Calibrates Measurement Control Instrumentation For Industrial Processes, Pressure, Temperature, Air... Read more